Apple Displays a 3D Avatar Creating Application Patent

Recently PatentlyApple was able to discover another Apple patent. This patent is based on a 3D avatar creating application that has surprisingly already been worked on by the Apple team for iPad integration. The patent shows the application currently running on an iPad it also displays that the app contains facial and upper body customization.

Because the patent is out in such a detailed form there is probably a reason Apple has this patent. At this time we aren’t sure why they would need an avatar creating app but, we believe that this could be part of a further upgrade with iOS’s GameCenter. As many of the consoles and portable gaming devices already have, avatars seem like something that would be a great addition to GameCenter. Well, that is if they put even more socializing features into the popular default gaming application.

iPod Shuffle and iPod Classic Hit the Grave!

TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Web Blog has just noted the sales of the iPod’s lately. It seems as though the iPod Shuffle and iPod Classic don’t seem to sell much anymore. Which all makes sense because, who needs an iPod when you can have your music in your phone, tablet, or the very different iPod, the iPod Touch.

It seems as though Apple may be dropping the iPod Shuffle and iPod Classic and focusing more on the iPod Nano and iPod Touch. Note, that the iPod Touch takes up over half of all their iPod sales.

You can see by the stats listed below that the iPod’s where most popular in 2008 and this year there was a sudden drop in sales over all. Apple’s thing in my opinion is iOS and Mac for now.

Apple iOS 5 Beta 5 is Here

Apple recently released its 128 MB iOS 5 Beta 5 to Apple iOS developers. The update is OTA (Over The Air) Xcode and iTunes have been released with an update as well. Unfortunately, the upgrade takes a hard reset for your iOS devices. Below is how to do so.

“To install iOS 5 beta 5 using over the air software update, you must first erase all content and settings on your device by choosing Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content and Settings. Over the air software update can be initiated on devices running iOS 5 beta 3 and later by choosing Settings > General > Software Update.”

Ever sense OTA updates came to the iOS 5 betas people who have used the pass are not able to actually update there device. This is a new awesome feature Apple has made for iOS users. Allowing them to update there iOS device without having to plug it into a computer. If your device is registered under an Apple iOS developer account you will be able to update your OS.

Girl Walking Around NYC with an iPad Head

Well, it seems as though an odd act of advertising is going on in New York City. Basically, a girl is walking around with 4 iPad’s on her head. The iPad’s are made to look like her head and neck from 4 angles. Its very odd and I don’t really understand why a company would chose to advertise like this.

I do not really know allot about this but, I just wanted to share this with you because, it is something odd and weird to see. Now, the head is a bit small on the 4 iPad angles but, it really almost looks like a real life iPad head. I have never seen one before but, I would assume it would look something like that. Wondering how the girl walking around can see? She actually has video glasses on and a camera located in her purse that allows her to make sure she does not step on anything. She also probably has some people that help her in the process as well.

Now, I don’t know about you but, I want to run up to her and press the home buttons on all four of the iPad’s just for the heck of it. Anyways, the video is bellow and its a very odd video but, cool video at the same time.

Introduction to iOSNOVA

This is a video that was created for my iOS channel. to alert them of this website I have made specifically for iOS device users.