Girl Walking Around NYC with an iPad Head

Well, it seems as though an odd act of advertising is going on in New York City. Basically, a girl is walking around with 4 iPad’s on her head. The iPad’s are made to look like her head and neck from 4 angles. Its very odd and I don’t really understand why a company would chose to advertise like this.

I do not really know allot about this but, I just wanted to share this with you because, it is something odd and weird to see. Now, the head is a bit small on the 4 iPad angles but, it really almost looks like a real life iPad head. I have never seen one before but, I would assume it would look something like that. Wondering how the girl walking around can see? She actually has video glasses on and a camera located in her purse that allows her to make sure she does not step on anything. She also probably has some people that help her in the process as well.

Now, I don’t know about you but, I want to run up to her and press the home buttons on all four of the iPad’s just for the heck of it. Anyways, the video is bellow and its a very odd video but, cool video at the same time.