iOS Devices Earn Google 4x the Revenue then Android Does

According to an article posted yesterday, which has information based off of court documentations, from 2008 up until 2011 Google made approximately 543 million dollars. Seems to be allot but, compared to the profit that Google made on iOS within the same time period, it doesn’t even compare. In fact, according to the documents iOS earned 4x the amount of revenue for Google that Android made.

The $2.8m offer, at a combined rate of 0.515%, suggests that Android’s total revenue from the launch of handsets at the end of 2008 through to the end of 2011 was $543m. That also means that Android could generate more than $1bn in advertising revenues this year; last year, Google’s total annual revenues were around $38bn. Google lets manufacturers use Android for free, but to achieve “certification” they have to include services such as Google search, maps, YouTube and other functions.

Google makes its money on iOS by applying ads to iOS searches through Google. They also make money through putting ads on maps and other third party applications with Adsense. What do you think of this? Do you find this to be a surprise?

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