We Reviewed the “iPhone 5 Website Leak” Video and Came up with Many Reasons it Could be Fake

A video was recently released claiming to be Apple’s website in the future when the iPhone 5 is released. The video is basically, a video of a screen recording of the website that is claiming to be for the iPhone 5 on Apple. The website shows many awesome iPhone 5 pictures and has all of the information about the iPhone 5. Now, we probably are not going to know for sure that this site is a fake until we see the actual iPhone 5 on Apple’s site. When you watch my video or continue to read this article please keep in mind that I am not saying that this site is for sure 100% fake. I am simply showing some things that would make this site fake. I spent about an hour reviewing this video that is shown below and I was able to come up with about 8 reasons that this site could be a fake.

The reasons that I have established where based off of Apple’s site history and current status. Including the pictures and  screen shots. The first thing and most obvious thing is that if you go to 0:00 in the video you can see an HTML url that says Peter and links to the computer. This is pointing out the possibility that he was able to edit the sites code and add iPhone 5 photos and text and so on. If that is true then this guy is an amazing HTML coder and I would encourage him to keep doing awesome things with HTML.

Next few things I would like to point out are all in the status bar. Every picture of an iOS device that has ever been on Apple’s site has had a full battery. The one in the video does not. Also, it shows the battery percentage which is not there by default on your iOS device. Apple never puts things on their screen shots that are not default. The next thing is not something that allot of people know about and this is the time. For every iOS device up until the iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4g, and iPad 2 the time has always been 9:42 am. With the iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4g, and iPad 2 the time is at 9:41 am. That is also the timing for the iOS 5 pictures. So, my bet will be that iPhone 5 pictures are shot at that time as well.

The Newsstand app icon is also empty. When Apple releases something on their iOS devices they make sure that things are detailed. In this case my assumptions would be that they would put some magazines into Newsstand before taking the screen shot. They also show blue tooth in all of their screen shows for iOS pictures. Once again showing that the iOS device has blue tooth capabilities. Another thing is for the 3G and wifi. In the video it shows that there is no service and it is connected to wifi. That is something that Apple would never do. With iPhone pictures on Apple they always have the 3G logo and 3G bars or they have 3G bars and Wifi bars. I also have noticed that the back of the iPhone’s font is not correct.

Don’t get me wrong, I think that the person who edited the site is very talented and has a bright future ahead of him. Although, my belief is that the iPhone 5 site leak video is a fake. If you would like to check out my review over the video you can do so here or below.

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