Facebook Now Blocked Leaked iPad App

TechCrunch is reporting that Facebook has already fought back against the leaked iPad app. They have disabled you from being able to sign into the application on your iPad. You may see people reviewing the application but, that is because they have gotten to it early and before Facebook was properly notified of the leak and disabled it. The leak did not last long but, it is still available if you would like to download the application but, you will be unable to sign in.

“We’re hearing tons (as in hundreds) of reports that users who are just now getting around to checking out the trick are unable to do so. The iPad-friendly app still launches — you just can’t do much, as newcomers are being turned away at the login screen.”

Facebook did not even have to force an update onto the iPhone and iPod Touch application. They simply found a way to block out there users from signing into the application.

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